Cleaning machine from viruses

Cleaning machine from viruses

Are often our computers for viruses What are these viruses? What harm p device? How do we clean up our devices from them? Viruses are: programs or part of the code entering the computer and is working to sabotage the programs on your computer so that you have the ability to make copies of itself and the transition from one device to another and damage to its contents, such as a virus that infects the human body for this called by that name. To clean the device of the virus, there are several ways, including: The first way: from the list of start (start) put the cursor on the search box and we write the word run, showing us the program run push him to open it, show you a window run type in the box in the window box regsvr32.exe -uc: \ :::::: s \ system32 \ regwizc.dll] [you will see a message confirming the success of the process, press OK (ok) and will delete all the viruses in your computer. It should be noted that this program is only for special windows xp. The second way: through the use ccleaner program, which is one of the best programs that remove programs that reduce the efficiency of the device third way: the stomping of the file in which the virus word dir patch and press ENTER, if the device does not contain a virus or any files undesirable you will see the result in this form volume in drive c has no label Volume serial number is Directory of c: windows File not found However, if you find any of the viruses or the patch delete it in the following way: C: Windows delete patch and there are many ways in which from which to clean the device of the virus such as downloading anti-virus program. you work for any malicious files scan device or contain a virus. Valtokd the cleanliness of your device helps to ensure that losing any of your files and important information.