What is cloning !

What is cloning

We have the development of science and technology, and numerous scientific research and achievements as a result of this research, all of which is in the human interest that was recovering from disease or help ward them and have a happy and healthy lives free from disease, and more recently there was much talk about the so-called cloning (cloning), many people do not understand what this term does not know much about it, today will understand what is cloning? What are the benefits? What are the applications? Cloning is to get the cells or members or complete creatures and be genetically identical with the original creature that we take him to the cells, or in some other way can you know cloning as: a group of cells or organs or organisms similar contents gene, which resulted from a single cell through asexual reproduction, it is intended to reproduce asexual reproduction is who gets the integration of the egg with sperm. 1. The process of cloning steps taken somatic cell Somatic cell highly specialized and placed in glass dishes and treatment of these cells private transactions to become valid for directing embryonic configuration process nuclei. 2. took the egg cell nucleus ovum and disarm the carrier of genetic traits. 3. The use of electric charges for the integration of somatic cell with an egg as a fertility fertilization process, made up as a result of a fertilized egg. 4. implant the fertilized egg in the oviduct oviduct for six days in order to get the process of cleavage (cell division Altdhaafee), which is long enough to reach the fetus to Atawaith developed or developed Albulastola. 5. embryo transfer and planted in the wombs of animals as an alternative to mothers supplemented these embryos grow until such date of birth. • Thus cloning means the possibility of obtaining offspring without having a sexual relationship known, and without the need to mention the process of pollination. • In 1996, the first successful cloning process in Scotland and was the birth of Dolly the sheep. • In 1997, Hawaii US successfully cloned a mouse 22. • 1998 Japan successfully cloned eight calves. Cloning Benefits 1. Increase the number of endangered animals. 2. the possibility of cloning genetically modified animals may benefit humans. 3. possibility to benefit from cloning in organ transplants. Finally both the evolution of technology and the advantages and also disadvantages, cloning also has downsides and it problematic, including: 1. The reproduction may cause birth embryos distorted or short-lived, because the cells that take them from the original object may be a great age, and thus the cloned object will be old in the same age of the object the original . 2. Cloning may upset the principle of maternity and paternity, because Balastnach be dispensed uncle of the father's role. 3. clerics opposed human cloning because it is contrary to the ways of the cosmic and religion, it should not go beyond the limits of religion and morality.