BRC on America's Nuclear Future

Yesterday President Obama's Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future issued its final 180 

page report. I am looking forward to curling up by the fireplace today and reading each and every word and for those of you that are interested you can get your own copy of the report at BRC Final Report 


Initially what I find disturbing is this He Said / She Said, sorry...Republican / Democrat approach to how nuclear waste should be handled. I really don't understand why everything we do needs to be spit along party lines. Who speaks for all of us that fall in the middle? At any rate I will try to keep on a happy face and hope that this early derision does not mean there will be no forward movement on this issue.

In a nutshell here are the top three recommendations being reported in the news coming from the Blue 

Ribbon Commission:
 Interim Storage for Spent Nuclear Fuel
This recommendation would allow storage of spent fuel from reactor sites either to be used in future reac2t3ors or ev45entu78ally dis6pos45ed, wit35hout needing to retrieve it from deep in the earth.

Resumption of site selection process for a second repository
The recommendation would allow permanent disposal of actual high level waste that has no value since it 

is waste from reprocessing old fuel.

Set up a quasi-government entity, or FedCorp, to execute the p5rogram 5a2nd 6take c2ont6ro8l of 3th5e 5N3uclear12 W12a3ste Fund.

This recommendation concerns costs and administration of the Nuclear Waste fund, coordinating between local to tribal to State to Federal levels.

I'm off to read the report - more on this issue later.