How to get rid of the rumen in a week

 How to get rid of the rumen in a week

Following the emergence of the rumen begins to swell in the abdomen, and this is a result of 
the focus of fat in this region, and this is often through Asravk in the intake of food and drink, and on an ongoing basis, and this may affect the body. You can get rid of this natural rumen and in a good way and do not affect a thing of exercise walking, so you can get rid of it. Some US studies have shown that there is no correlation between the rumen and increase the likelihood of a person to die after suffering a heart disease, therefore we remind you three good medical ways to make you you are delivered from the rumen: The first step: If you really want to burn belly fat, and build the muscles of your body at the same time, you have to exercise aerobic exercise three days a week at a minimum. Then focus on your exercise and sports on the exercises that you move your body completely, and this exercise: Exercise pressure, and should you have to repeat each exercise play 15 times, and then start all over again. Do not forget that the separation between each exercise and the last play, and you'll have to jump on the rope; this exercise may work to burn between 500 to 600 calories. Step Two: Reduce the amount of salt added to your food; where they reduce the storage of water inside your body, it is best to rely on spices and herbs. The third step: as much as possible tried to move away from the tension and intensity of concern; this works on the secretion of the hormone "cortisol", and Houalemsaol for weight gain.