Walking exercises at home

Walking exercises at home

 Walking is one of the most important ways that help burn fat Bsaoh and without trouble, and to get rid of fat and excess weight, Walking and hours a day can help you burn 100 calories, and walking helps protect against disease, and as and treated for infection with difficulty sleep, and it makes us feel vibrant and activity, and keeps the young man for a longer period, and helps to get rid of stress and who have anxiety role in excessive food, raising the mental level of energy and intelligence and focus, strengthen muscles and bones, especially the heart muscle, It reduces the level of cholesterol in the body, and protects against many diseases such as obesity and diabetes and breast cancer disease and colon cancer and other diseases, Ffleraadh walking great benefits and is it helps get rid of cellulite in the body, and maintains thicken. Walking for 20 minutes helps to activate blood circulation, and 35 minutes working to burn fat, and can practice walking in the home garden or a long corridor is in the House, and must when walking to be back straight, and when you use a bicycle to walk must move during use , and must when walking to be the head is brought and not screwing in the jaw area and make the loose muscles, and Mark back straight and shoulders back without pressure on them, and make the abdominal muscles and thigh a little tight, and that the knee joint Mrtejea without strain, and make the facility a corner of the front, and the hands move forward and backward, and the fingers are inside a little bit, without any tension, make the shank front man and then the rest of the men, and we pay the fingers of a man back to the front, make the toes bound forward and not to the right and left and imagine that there is a straight line to walk it, and make the two men while walking away from the line a little bit and parallel and are moving slowly, and then make the walk faster and Enkerb the two men from the line, and when you walk quickly does not make a big our steps, but make it more, and be hip movement is More importantly, in the sport of walking it is necessary to draw the hip movement of the line, and the chest is a little prominent up, and before doing walking Jeb do warmed up to the sport by jumping or slow walking or moving the hands and legs, and can be while walking in the house wear thermal shorts and this It helps to burn thermal Oktherlsarat.
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