Treat high blood pressure

Treat high blood pressure

Doing exercising, maintaining it, and work to lose weight and avoid food high-calorie and containing high levels of fat and cholesterol, all of this helps to control many of the diseases that may kill human life, as a disease of high blood pressure, what is this disease and what is the treatment?

Hypertension The arterial hypertension is one of the most common cardiovascular disease, the most serious of all the members of the body so it is called the silent killer, because it does not imply any distinctive symptoms, and can be infected for years without the patient knows it. The treatment of high blood pressure that the pressure treatment is divided into two parts, namely: modifying the lifestyle of the disease to healthy disproportionate pattern with blood pressure, while the second section is drug therapy. Modifying the lifestyle of the disease, it is the most important things in the life pattern of the patient: weight reduction. Reduce salt in food to less than six grams per day to less than three grams in the case of a diabetic with pressure. Reduce smoke and alcohol or omissions. Sports, as walking for half an hour a day is very helpful in reducing the pressure, as well as many other diseases, is recommended as well as more frequent intake of fruits and vegetables and reduce the fat in food. Medicines As for drug therapy are described in the following cases: If the pressure Alsastole more than 160 permanently or if the blood pressure Aldeastole more than 110 permanently, as well as in the case of pressure Alsastole of (140-159) If the suffering patient of diabetes or problems in the heart or kidneys. The goal of drug therapy to get to the blood of less than 140/85 pressure, always advised to give aspirin, which reduces the likelihood of blood clots and statins, which lowers blood fats with drug therapy reduced pressure, the drugs reduced pressure, there are many drugs including: diuretics. Beta blockers. Alpha blockers. Alpha and beta blockers. Yeast transferred inhibitors (Alqalbh) for angiotensin. Calcium channel blockers. Vasodilators. Diuretics to begin diuretic where they rid the body of fluids and excess salts and thereby reduce the pressure, and the most important diuretics types used to reduce the pressure diuretics thiazide, and rewards of modern medicine, provided mild dose and attention to changes metabolic potassium such as lack of it is drugs thiazide hydrochlorothiazide, there are diuretics Aroah Kelvirusumad strongly characterized by its impact diuretic used in emergency hospitals to reduce pressure. Beta blocker drugs also used beta-blockers as they detract from the Nerve Stimulation of the heart, making it beat less strongly lower decreases stress and little effort on the heart, a competitive Adwad of which is specific for a future beta 1 and beta-2, including specific beta -1 future classified as well as other pets for loving fat creamy Kalprobanolol and hydrophilic such as atenolol, not recommended to use these drugs in asthma or chronic lung disease or severe peripheral vascular occlusion cases. Alpha blockers The alpha blockers, it reduces the Next Nerve Stimulation vessels and this facilitates blood flow and reduces the pressure, he found them previously types do not selective has its place selective types to solve a blockers Alpha-1 Examples include prazosin and terazosin It heatsinks only pressure that reduce cholesterol and improve respond to insulin but have the effect of which is always annoying (dizziness) is avoided to begin low dose and then gradually increase. Other drugs and medications used and important, especially in patients with diabetes and heart failure as well as pressure yeast transferred inhibitors of angiotensin, where these drugs inhibit the formation of angiotensin Holding vessels and thus works to relaxes the blood and thus the pressure is reduced, including captopril, and Alonabral, and Allizinoeril. Of the most important side effects of her, especially in patients who suffer from hardening of the blood of kidney vessels kidney failure, as well as dry cough has hydrocephalus occur and Aaiaa as well as a rise in potassium ratio which is not given to pregnant women, and in the case of dry cough patient is given instead Adwad future of angiotensin, which does not lead to dry cough. Important drugs used as well as calcium channel blockers, as they prevent the entry of calcium muscle cells of the heart and blood vessels, and this relaxes the blood and lowers the pressure, and the most important of nifedipine and amlodipine, may result from this dizziness and medicines pain in the head and glow side as symptoms. The treatment of malignant blood pressure as we knew previously when blood pressure rises more than (220/120) must enter the patient to the hospital, and must gradually reduce the blood is the most important drugs that give in this case sodium medicine Netrobrosid which expanded to drugs and given intravenous injections. Other topics for high blood pressure Read about: (pressure disease). Read on: (types of blood pressure). Read on: (causes high blood pressure). Read on: (symptoms of high blood pressure). Read on: (diagnosed with high blood pressure). Conclusion If pressure disease is a rise in blood pressure more than 140/90 in twice apart at least, is measured by Ambassjnonanomitr device, and may not have any symptoms but cause fatal complications of the heart, kidneys and blood vessels, as well as affect the retina affecting the vision, cured by lifestyle modifications and there are many drugs are not available. References 1- cristopher's hasslet and others, 2009, Davidson's principles and practice of medicine, New york, Churchill livingistone. 2- Fauci and others, 2009, Harrison's manual of medicine, USA, McGraw-hill.

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