How lighter Orthodontic Pain

Orthodontics is a therapeutic way, and cosmetics, and the type of dental treatments, which is used in the correct tooth path in the jaw or both jaws, and relies duration for the treatment of orthodontics, on the nature of the condition suffered by the person, it may be a patient has dental exit from its place natural, or accumulation on top of each other, and usually range from the time period for orthodontic treatment between one to five years Kobad estimate, uses Orthodontics in permanent teeth treatment, ie that appear after the teeth fall deciduous, it may appear in an irregular manner on its own, or If it tampered with the tongue, causing problems which may lead to the inability to snapping jaws on each other. Orthodontic device consists of a metal wire, is placed on the teeth that suffer from the problem satisfactorily, and proves it by using the metal supports, and are affixed dedicated to her with rubber, and make sure your orthodontist, he has been installed Calendar completely, so that infected dental treatment in the jaw to return it to its rightful place. Types of orthodontic orthodontic group of species, and used by a specialist doctor in treating the patient, based on the nature of the condition afflicting the teeth, and these types: Calendar hard: it is the most widely used type of orthodontics, which depends on the installation of Calendar steadily the jaw, which suffers from a problem in the teeth. Calendar mobile: uses this kind of calendar in the treatment of moderate pathological cases, which do not require a lot of time to restore teeth to the state of nature, and called Baltrk, it can be removed and re-positioned by the patient. Relieve pain Calendar patient who uses the orthodontist for the first time or after therapy sessions suffers from pain due to the calendar, as a result of non-acceptance of the gums, or teeth for the sudden change that has taken place on them, and the patient may lose his appetite for food in the first period of treatment, but it gets used on the calendar with time, eats easily, and there are a bunch of ways that help relieve Calendar pain, including: painkillers: at the beginning of treatment the patient feels kind of headache in the head, pain in the gums, so the dentist patient assessment is advised, to take a painkiller, Kalmsknat that contain compounds (paracetamol), which helps to alleviate the pain caused by the metal used in the installation of Orthodontics, especially in the case of fixed calendar, which installs initially on four cylindrical metal put on another age in each decoder. Use dental wax: There is a type of medical wax, used in dental treatment, relieve Calendar pain, and placed on the calendar system in the event of causing a scratch the soles of the mouth, or gums hurt, and helps to make the patient gets rid of the pain temporarily; because this type of wax is not used when eating, but it is harmful if swallowed, and use the appropriate amount of wax to be placed on the place, which causes pain in the jaw, you must toggle the wax; it is used only once, it is possible to get it from the orthodontist, or from pharmacies. Remove metal appendages: Sometimes, you may not notice orthodontist to the presence of appendages metal, when you change the metal wire that connects between the teeth, to reduce its size, in order to teeth included on each other better, and should the doctor and the patient, making sure he did not feel any kind of pain as a result of any growths metal, before leaving the doctor's office. Eating certain types of food with caution: There are certain foods that cause Calendar pain, because of the need to strength in chewing to be able to eat it, or Alkha, and these foods: nuts of all kinds, and chewing gum, and some kinds of desserts, and the patient to work on broken or fragmented, so that it can easily be addressed, and to use the private dental gum, so you must be careful when eating certain foods, so as not to cause any kind of pain that can sometimes lead to damage to the orthodontic device, and requires intervention of a doctor to treat it again.