How do we maintain dental health

Related How do we maintain dental hygiene How to preserve teeth How to preserve teethintegrity How to keep your teeth dental dental health means a lot, it means avoiding bad breath, gingivitis, which can not stop at the borders swollen gums and bleeding, frequent Valalthab gums him role in diseases of the joints; Kromatid hinge, and many studies have shown the effect of dental health on the prevention of heart disease, strokes, noting that the decay-causing bacteria or their secretions could be as high impact, causing inflammation in different parts of the body Kalkly. Also can force the teeth to play a role in strengthening the memory, and protection from diabetes, as gingivitis affects cells to the hormone insulin responsible for regulating blood sugar levels in response, they also have a significant impact on mental health, satisfaction one for itself, and its shape and begin dental care since infancy. How to maintain dental health advises dentists brushing their teeth at least twice a day, preferably cleaned after every meal, and it must be cleaned before going to sleep, as the bacteria in the mouth find plenty of time in the night hours to oxidize leftovers lingering in teeth, and turn it into acid works to tooth decay, which is known as caries. Use dental floss at least once a day, it is advisable to have before going to sleep, to clean up the leftovers relationship between the teeth, which can not be to brush teeth removed. Use an antiseptic mouthwash, so Balamadamadh every period of time, to prevent the breeding of bacteria is too big numbers, but not on a daily basis, bacteria in the mouth is the beneficial bacteria needed by the mouth, the said numbers become mouth susceptible to fungal, and other health problems, The solution can be used for water and salt, or boiled sage for this purpose. To maintain the whiteness of teeth are advised to use Whitening Toothpaste, drinking water or rinsing the mouth after drinking foods that contain pigments such as coffee, tea, and processed foods. Avoid eating sweets attached to the teeth like candy gels, and manufacturer of sugar and starch mainly, they attach themselves to the teeth and it is difficult to remove. Not smoking and forms Kalorgelh, it causes discoloration of the teeth, making them yellow, and more susceptible to decay, in addition to bad breath. Chewing sugar-free gum after eating a snack during the day, and can not be brushing their teeth, because gum stimulates saliva production, which is to clean the teeth. Visit your dentist every six months at the most, to examine the teeth and make sure there is no decay, and addressed before development, the teeth and cleaning of lime, a white solid layer, caused by the accumulation of food and its interaction with the saliva.