The benefits of swimming muscles

The benefits of swimming muscles

Swim Swimming is a world famous sports, and loves many people practice continuously especially in summer; to give a sense of recovery, private and fun in the exercise en masse with friends, in addition to this, the pool provides practitioners in many different benefits regarding muscle and construction . Benefits of swimming muscles is the largest density of water at about a dozen times from the air density, which helps in drying muscles, it is regarded as the swimming of the best sports that can be done for blotting compared to other aerobic sports; they provide a resistance on the muscles, similar to those carried weights light supplied in gyms, which are used by athletes in the habit of drying muscles, you can control to resist water as the power that you pay the water out. Increase the elasticity of muscle is very large; and because of the use of all muscles of the body almost at the same time, the opposite of what we are doing in the gym; where Nturkz on every muscle alone, leading in the end to make the range of motion of muscles tight and therefore an injury to the muscles, as that swimming is one of the exercises in which they can do Balasttalh; where the swimmer extended his body as far as you can in every movement for swimming. Help swimming on a way of breath control, something that will many neglecting usually with extreme importance in all sports, both in muscle or other sports building; Valtnevs is the way in which human gets its way on the air necessary for the production of energy during the day and during physical exercise, leads swim to increase the amount of air that the lungs are assimilated, and improve the human way of breathing. Swimming is one of the safe sports dramatically; they do not cause a large amount of tension and gravity on the muscles and joints in the body, because the water raises the body and carried from the ground, reducing a large amount of gravity on the body, but this is swimming an excellent sport for those who are suffering from various injuries especially the joints and knees injuries. Swimming strokes and their effect on the muscles there are several used in swimming strokes, which are each targeting a specific group of muscles as follows: Front crawl on the belly: This is a blow faster strikes and the most famous and widely used in the free swimming, whereupon the strike targeting the chest muscles and back. Strike back: it is one of the lightest and easiest strikes; because there face higher water all the time, allowing breathing constantly, and aimed a blow back muscles and hip muscles. Sadr blow: It strikes more that needs to be coordination between the muscles of the upper and lower body, which is of relatively slower strikes, targeting the shoulder, chest and arms muscles. Butterfly stroke: The most difficult and the most severe blows to other strikes, one of the most strikes by burning calories, and aimed at the chest, back and shoulder muscles specifically.