Football is its most well known onlooker sport

Games are generally represented by an arrangement of principles or traditions,
which serve to guarantee reasonable rivalry,

and permit predictable settling of the victor.

Winning can be controlled by physical occasions,

for example, scoring objectives or intersection a line first.

It can likewise be controlled by

judges who are scoring components of the donning execution,

including objective or subjective measures, for example,

specialized execution or masterful impression. 

Records of execution are regularly kept, and for famous games,

this data might be broadly declared or reported in game news.

Game is likewise a noteworthy wellspring of stimulation for non-members,

with onlooker sport attracting huge group to game venues,

and contacting more extensive gatherings of people through TV.

Sports wagering is sometimes seriously managed,

and now and again is key to the game. 

As indicated by A.T. Kearney, a consultancy,

the worldwide donning industry is worth up to $620 billion starting 2013.

[6] The world's most open and rehearsed game is running,

while affiliation football is its most well known onlooker sport.