What is the meaning of "Hashtag"

What is the meaning of "Hashtag"

 of human communication with other people, whether they are his family, his relatives, his friends, is very important in his life is so reassure them and knows the latest news of them, and means of communication with multiple and constantly evolving people. In ancient times, people communicate by carrier pigeon, and written messages handwriting hand, then evolved into e-paper, and after the back of the phone, which allowed for a person to hear the voice of the person who wants to communicate with him, but these days it has emerged the world Wide web, the Internet, which captured the whole world and turned it into a small village, so that became communicate with others without having any boundaries or barriers or restrictions, and was able to break through the geographical boundaries and get rid of the problem of distance that often stand in communicating with others. Social networking sites and in our day we have seen the emergence of the so-called social networking sites that have worked in the long zoom and allowed us to communicate with others no matter how remote Msavthm us, these sites are a sites created on the Internet to allow us to communicate with others with ease, so through conversation by writing or voice chat, or image mode, also it provided us with some of these sites conversation with others directly to video and audio, the most famous examples of social networking sites Facebook, Twitter, Skype. 
We have noted the recent spread of the so-called  Hashtag on many social networking sites, especially sites Twitter and Facebook, a lot of people are asking for Alhastej, and do not know what they are. Valhachtaj is a sign of classification are used to categorize tweets or news single-topic, so they can be read by the followers of these changes, news or by a non-follower her, always begin by #. Hashtag
Hashtag importance
and of great importance in social networking sites, and its benefits: are of great importance in organizing and ordering information. Its data filtering and classification within the expressive nature and specialization addresses. The importance lies in helping us to reach a very large amount of information about events or developments heated. In Totir site When you do a search, the priority will be to Hashtag. Hashtag and contribute in increasing the number of followers to tweet or a particular story. Alhastej

 Hashtag properties
 and several properties must be considered when creating any Hashtag, and these characteristics are: to be non-Alhastej facility before. Alhastej be a short name as much as possible so as not to take a lot of Tweets participants characters. The title should be chosen for Hachtaj expressing the theme as much as possible, so that anyone can see the theme of just looking at the title