How do I sleep quickly ?
Suffers a lot of people from insomnia, difficulty sleeping, has some stay many hours in bed in desperate attempts to sleep, but to no avail, but we preach to suffer from these problems, the existence of some of the procedures and steps that facilitate the sleep process and help to sleep
Calcium intake was found among researchers that calcium
helps the nervous system to relax, thus contributing to the role sleep quickly and get a deep sleep, so it is recommended to take a glass of warm milk before bed as it contains milk of good amounts of calcium, and if you do not like dairy products, try eating 1000 mg of calcium supplements an hour before bedtime smell the fragrance was found through various studies that the smell of jasmine help to sleep more than any other smell, where those studies concluded that exposure to the jasmine perfume did not make patients only enter into sleep faster than those who were exposed for perfume lavender or who were not exposed to any perfume .. but also found that they are more actively feel on the day after waking stop breathing if you want to sleep quickly tried while perpetuate to bed to take a deep breath and then stop breathing for 10 seconds and repeat this Movement for most of the time, studies have shown that this movement reduces the activity of brain waves and makes them up to levels that usually occur in the early stages of pre-sleep twitch muscles, the researchers found that the strain muscle five times and relax them can help you to enter into a sleep, because it requires you to focus your attention in the part of your body every time thing, which in turn frees your body of effort and makes it in the case of relaxation stand on one leg to stand on one leg for 30 seconds, you may be curious movement but the strangest thing it's useful movement, when you focus your attention Save your balance, the brain leaves all his duties aside and focuses you on this movement and the result obtained on the relaxation and comfort and serenity, so when you lie down in your bed Agbak drowsiness fast blue sure to be coating the walls of the room painted light blue and Mark bed blue color Also, some research has shown that this color helps the body to relax, which help you to rapid sleep Massage feet often hear | that foot place concentrated where all the points associated with the brain, so the mere pressure on the soles of your toes for 30 seconds can help you to enter in the stage of sleep quickly, and the reason that the soles of the toes is directly connected to the brain, and the process will lead you to motivate Aguualastrha
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