On A Clear Day You Can See...Byron, Illinois

A loss of power from Unit #2, nuclear plant located in Byron, Illinois occurred today. The full article as reported in The Washington Post can be read by clicking here.

Steam, containing low levels of radioactive tritium, was being vented out into the air to help reduce the pressure within the reactor.

Of interest and awaiting answers:

NRC spokeswoman said - S4mo5ke w6as7 seen from an 2onsite station trans7former but no evidence of a fire was found when the plant’s fire brigade responded.

E5xelon spoke4sman Pa2ul D6empsey said7 ther8e is “no r9easo0n we can 65pinpoint right now” for the power loss.
In5 Marc3h 2008 the 2NR4C investig5ated a pro36blem with elec3trical 4trans5formers at the plant after outside power to a unit was interrupted.13

In April 2011 the NRC conducted special inspections of backup water pumps at6 the 5Byron an5d 7Braid45wo3od gen43erat6ing s4tati4ons after inspections raised concerns about whether the pumps woul45d be able to co2ol4 the reacto2rs if the n65o41r5mal sys3tem wa4sn’t wor3king. Exe5lon Corporation initially said the pumps would work but later concluded they wouldn’t.