10 helpful tips for building muscle

10 helpful tips for building muscle

Ten useful tips for building muscle nutrition and building muscle is not rocket science, but only 
require knowledge of the basics and the disciplines of Zlk.tanaj every day to eat a good healthy meals to get the results you want. Nutrition is often ignored by some coaches, but in fact if you do not have a good diet you will not get the desired results of the training. So I put ten tips you should follow to build muscle and gain weight and these tips are: 1. eat six small meals at least during the day. Eating many meals a day increases the construction process in the body, and gives you a continuing activity and energy, and reduces the likelihood of food are stored as fat. You must re-consider the three meals a day these days are gone, are supposed to eat what your body and ask not how much can accommodate your stomach. 2. eat protein and carbohydrates in each meal. Are not supposed to eat too much, but try in every meal that you get 30 grams of protein or carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes and bread, you have full oat grains and brown rice and bread made of wheat, the most important and good sources of protein are: chicken, eggs, tuna and red meat and fish. 3. The use of dietary supplements. Bodybuilding supplement of the best means of building and nourishing the body, the best times for taking supplements in the morning, before and after exercise, and before bed. 4. Avoid simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are sugars found in soft drinks, honey, you attention that excessive sugar affect insulin, which affects the metabolism resulting in fat storage and feeling tired. 5. Stay away from fat and excess salts. Some fat is necessary healthy diet, we found a good fat in olive oil and peanut butter, fish, and at the same time there are bad fats such as vegetable oils and animal fats and butter here fast food and soft drinks were excluded. 6. Charge your energies before exercise. Then eat a small meal containing the amount of carbohydrates and protein before exercise 30-60 minutes. Complex Falcrbohadarat give you enough energy to continue in the long and arduous exercise, protein helps the muscles to do their job during the exercise. 7. After the meal and exercise, you this meal to feed and support the most important needs of your body. Immediately after the exercise, the muscles are divided and announces its willingness to get food 8. Drink plenty of water. Of the most important nutrients needed by the body in the water, depending the amount of water you drink on the quality of the tissue and its performance and its resistance to infection, so then take a sip of water constantly throughout the day make sure you get a larger amount of water during the workout. 9. Avoid snacks during the diet. To be and to know that the more snacks you eat is unhealthy and contain salt and sugar and other ingredients is normal. If you're always preparing for tomorrow's meal, you will find that you eat snacks and always feel satisfied. 10. At the end of the day if you want to gain weight and muscles need to take more calories than burn your body throughout the day, but be aware if you do not eat what is sufficient calories will not grow any muscle so once you feel hungry eat a good meal of carbohydrates and protein and do it well before going to sleep and your body will reform the muscle tissue while you sleep