How to Create JavaScript Image Slideshow with Links

JavaScript Image Slideshow with LInks
 Image Slideshow (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you want to place links on the images or captions of the image slideshow using JavaScript codes, you can do it by creating a new array of links along with the array of images and captions and adding some codes on 'swap' function to rotate links with the image and caption rotation in the slideshow. Here  I have written codes for creating JavaScript image slideshow with links, you can use these codes on your website or blog to create attractive image slideshow.

Code for Creating Slideshow with Links on Image

Just copy and paste the code below where you want to place slideshow and change the location of the images.


="my images" height="285" width="485" src="image-1.png"/>

Code for Creating Slideshow with Links on Caption

Just copy and paste the code below where you want to place slideshow and change the location of the images.


my images


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