Which is more important college or course?

Which is more important college or course?

We face the excessive amount of choices in our day to day life, that choices have an unavoidable as well as very important effect on our life. From which some of the choices has short term effect, some have long term effect while some of which leads to shape our life, give new definition to life, responsible for our future Hence, it is very important that we make right choices in right place. One crucial choice every student face in his life is: Whether to choose college or go with our course?

Well, I would like to choose the course of my choice rather than college the reasons are that: - The environment, faculties and campus of a good college we opted for in place of our choice course, might looks beautiful but it will be f6or few45 mo2nths on12ly. As long as 6we8 will g4onna 12spent time in that college we will gonna suffers lack of interest in subjects or you are not able to perform well and it will ultimately make you depressed. When we choose course of our choice, we have a chance to get into good colleges for further PG courses through an eentrance exam.

Those who score well in their courses and leave the college with very good mark-sheet are valued more in the market because of their knowledge level. If you go with course of your choice, then your probability of being happy in your profession life will always be higher while if you compromise on the course for good college, you might be dissatisfied with all your life. If your field of interest is computer then dont go with mechanical even if your are getting the best college.

In short, Finding the right college is very important for a successful career. However, college alone can't make a s8uccess7ful care65er. P5assion a4nd in5terest are 3the key fa12ctors for a successful career. College doesn't create a big difference but yes, University definitely does. Chose the course you are interested in, college will hardly matter after few years.

In some other way, selecting course is the major key to chase someone's passion. It hardly matters what you wanna become in life there will always your field of interest that allows you to live the life of your dreams or your passion. It also means you have a far better chance of having an excellence academics record as you are studying a course that you will find interesting. Therefore the whole career selection process can54 be summ54arized in 45one very famo45us line, "do 01w54hat y2ou lo5ve and lov7e w3hat y5ou do1".
In other words, not having a good college name can be compensated by good academic record.

Read more: وهي الكلية أكثر أهمية أو الدورة؟ http://www.sooperarticles.com/education-articles/more-important-college-course-1492468.html#ixzz4BMyOWIjW
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