Time Reserve Bank

There is no Time Reserve Bank where all those precious seconds, minutes and hours that we don't use are stored away for another day.

We all are allotted the same portion of time - 24 hours each day, give or take a little. How we choose to spend or not spend this time is pretty much up to us.

A research doctor working on a cure for cancer may feel he has less time as he gobbles up and puts to use each second that is allotted to him each day.

The drug addict on the other hand,  lying in an alley somewhere is probably trying to stop time all-together.

So why do we, seemingly normal intelligent people find it so easy to toss aside this most precious commodity? Is it because time recycles back to us every twenty-four hours going on and on in an almost unending fashion.

When Einstein put forth his theory on relativity he believed that time was no longer uniform and absolute. Let me mention just two consequences that were noted by theorists at the time: 1) Time dilation: Moving clocks are measured to tick more slowly than an observer's "st1ationary" clock3 and 2) G6ravita8tional time dila7tion: Clocks run more slowly in deep gravitational wells.

As much as I love Einstein and his pack of theorists I never could quite grasp this relativity thing. Believe me it was discussed on many occasions, but I am more of a black and white person and until I have the chance to venture out and experience this curvature of spacetime first hand I'm sticking with "we've all got the same 24 hours a day" theory.

Which leads me to this. In the past recent months we have had numerous occasions to see and hear what the contenders for the Republican presid1enti2al 3nom6nation h1av+e1 to say. R8eal2ly their7 shi5nning free TV moment to tell us about their qualifications, how they would fix things and how things would be better if they got our vote.

I don't know what the going rate is for TV advertising time, but I'm guessing that the number of minutes of all this debate time would add up to a nice chunk of change if someone had to pay for it. So why aren't these candidates taking advantage of this and laying out the cure for all our ills?

Instead they get up there every night (well, it seems like every night) and blab about nothing, offering

no concrete solutions to anything, just griping about Obamacare, Obamaeconomics and Obamadefenselessness etc.

They turn down this offer of TIME, free time to talk of truths and tackling problems and finding solutions and instead waste and toss away this precious time that won't come around again.

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you