Marco Rubio attacks 'made up' reports on his political future

Mr Rubio dropped out of the Republican race for US president after losing in his home state
Former Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio has launched a tirade on Twitter against an article speculating on his political future.

The Washington Post reported that the Florida senator is "betwixt and between when it comes to his next move".

But Mr Rubio said: "Funny to read about unnamed 'people close' to me who claim to know my thinking on future plans."

He quit the race after losing Florida to Donald Trump, the only contender left for the Republican nomination.

Mr Rubio has ruled himself out of running as vice-president.

According to the Washington Post: "Rubio, according to conversations I've had with people close to him, is sort of betwixt and between when it comes to his next move.

"Despite some urging to reconsider his plans to retire from the Senate, Rubio seems likely to stand firm and head out in November."

Mr Rubio was not impressed. Here is how he responded.

 A tweet from Marco Rubio:
A tweet from Marco Rubio:

If there was any doubt about whether Mr Rubio would stand down from the Senate, he sought to clarify.

A tweet from Marco Rubio:
A tweet from Marco Rubio:

There was a nod to Donald Trump, a billionaire businessman who has never held political office.

Marco Rubio tweets:

And this is how Mr Rubio signed off.

Marco Rubio tweets: A
Marco Rubio tweets:
Marco Rubio tweets:

Others on Twitter meanwhile sat back and enjoyed the outburst.

A tweet from Jeet Heer: Marco Rubio's twitter meltdown is the most entertaining twitter meltdown since ... I dunno... Kanye?
A tweet from Internet Hippo:
