Drone strikes are counter-productive for stability of the region: Army Chief

Drone strikes are counter-productive for stability of the region: Army Chief
Advisor on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz has said that the killing of Taliban Chief Mullah Akhtar Mansoor has further complicated the Afghan issue. Addressing a news conference in Islamabad he said the action will also undermine the Afghan peace process. Earlier, the talks were scuttled at a key stage when the issue of reduction in violence was to be discussed in July last. Two days before the talks, news of death of Mullah Umar was released and this scuttled the talks. In less than a year, peace process has been scuttled twice. All indicators confirm that the person killed in the drone strike was Mullah Akhtar Mansour who was travelling on a fake identity. Drone action was a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty as well as breach of the principles of the United Nations Charter governing the conduct of the states. He said we have conveyed our serious concern to the United States on this issue. Pakistan believes that this action has undermined the Afghan peace process. Afghanistan, Pakistan, the US and China had agreed that politically negotiated settlement is the most viable option rather than Efforts should continue to bring Taliban on the table. We believe this approach will further destabilize Afghanistan, which will have negative implications for the region. Pakistan believes that politically negotiated settlement remains the most viable option for bringing lasting peace to Afghanistan. Effective border management is vital for checking the infiltrations across long and porous Pakistan-Afghanistan border. The Afghan Government’s cooperation in this regard is an imperative for mutual security. Presence of large number of Afghan refugees has become a big security risk as the terrorists and militants use the camps as hideouts for their nefarious activities. Effective measures should be taken on an urgent basis by the International Community for the repatriation of Afghan refugees. Pakistan will continue to pursue the objective in close consultation with Afghanistan Government and other members of the Quadrilateral Coordination Group. Consultations will be made that how the QCG will now move forward. Pakistan will make the US realize that to interrupt the peace process in this way is not advisable. Mullah Akhtar Mansour's dead body will be handed over after the completion of DNA test. So far, there have been three hundred and ninety drone attacks. Sixty thousand people have lost their lives in war against terrorism and it caused 110 billion dollars to the economy. US aid provided in this regard is much less that what we have lost in this war. Operation Zarb-e-Azb is going on successfully against terrorism and the writ has been established in the Tribal Areas. We are moving forward under National Action Programme for peace. 
Pakistan’s reaction on drone strike
Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan in his press conference also strongly condemned the drone strike. He termed it as violation of Pakistan's sovereignty, UN Charter and international law. Justification being offered by the United States is totally unacceptable. It is also conveyed that such actions could adversely impact the ongoing efforts by the Quadrilateral Coordination Group (QCG) for facilitating peace talks between Afghan government and Taliban. And Chief of Army Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif in a meeting with US Ambassador David Hale said such acts of violations of sovereignty are detrimental to relations between both countries. These strikes are counter-productive for ongoing peace process for regional stability. United States said that it is unclear whether Mullah Mansour was killed in Pakistan or Afghanistan. According to US officials,  President Barack Obama approved the drone strike that killed Mullah Akhtar Mansour. The Ambassador of the United States Mr. David Hale was called in on 23rd May 2016 by the Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Syed Tariq Fatemi, to express concern over the drone strike on Pakistani territory on Saturday, 21 May 2016. In the meeting, Mr. Tariq Fatemi pointed out that the drone strike was a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and a breach of the United Nation's Charter that guarantees the inviolability of the territorial integrity of its member states.
Together, we will uproot this menace and overcome all challenges facing Pakistan: COAS 
Chief of Army Staff visited Naval War College Lahore and addressed participants of the course on Friday. His address focused on prevailing geo-strategic environment, security challenges and opportunities for Pakistan. He says Pakistan Navy has a proud history of valour and sacrifices. Pakistan Navy has always come up to the expectations of the Nation in defending the maritime frontiers of Pakistan. “With first hand war experience, operational employment, and state of combat readiness, our armed forces are fully capable and prepared to respond to the entire spectrum of threat."  COAS’ address in a ceremony at Command and Staff College in Quetta earlier. According to ISPR, he emphasized Pakistan's resolve and determination to confront global phenomenon of terrorism, extremism. No military of world able to synergize effects as much as Pakistan Army could do single handedly. Dilating on the effects of Operation Zarb-e-Azb, he explained how we had transited from hard core kinetic operation to intelligence based operations and now combing operation.   
Whole Nation is praying for the health of Prime Minister
The Prime Minister will undergo an open heart surgery on Tuesday. President Mamnoon Hussain has telephoned Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif today and inquired after his health. He prayed for his successful operation and early recovery of his health.  The Prime Minister thanked the President and the nation for their good wishes. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has extended best wishes to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his family. He prayed for a curative surgery of the Prime Minister and his speedy recuperation after that. Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has reached London. MNA Hamza Shahbaz Sharif is also accompanying him. In a statement before departure, the Chief Minister says the whole nation is praying for early recovery of Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. Special prayer ceremonies held at several churches and mosques in Lahore for early recovery of the Prime Minister. The main ceremony in this regard held at Central Cathedral Church in the city, in which Bishop of Raiwind Samuel Azrayah and Priest Emanuel Khokhar conducted worship and held special prayers for Prime Minister's health.
Pakistan’s application for NSG to be decided by consensus: US
The United States, while acknowledging Pakistan’s application to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), has said that the request will be decided by a consensus. Last week, Pakistan submitted a formal application in Vienna for joining the NSG. The decision to seek participation in the export control regime reflects Pakistan’s strong support for international efforts to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery. Founded in response to the Indian nuclear test in May 1974, the 48-member NSG seeks to reduce proliferation by controlling the export and re-transfer of nuclear materials. NSG members are meeting in South Korea next month to discuss India’s request for entry and other issues but Mr. Toner said at his news briefing on Friday that this meeting had not been called to discuss India’s membership, although this was one of the issues that might come up. A key US Senator, Ed Markey, has warned that enabling India to join the NSG would cause a “never-ending” nuclear race in South Asia.


Brig. (Rtd.) Mehmood Shah (Security Analyst):
“Americans are playing a double game with Pakistan as on one side they show interest to hold talks for peace and on the other they launch drone strikes to sabotage the peace process. Mulla Akhtar Mansour traveled in many countries but Americans targeted him only when he entered the Pakistani territory which shows a malicious intent. There are three million Afghan refugees whose whereabouts are not clear. The presence of Afghan refugees in such a big number is a huge security risk for our country. Afghan refugees must be repatriated to their country.”

Maj. Gen (Rtd.) Farooq Malik  (Defense Analyst):
 “Army Chief has asked the troops to stand ready against terrorism from day one. He promised the nation that terrorism will be eliminated from our land and he fulfilled his promise. The mission of Armed forces is to uproot terrorism once and for all. Our enemies are hatching conspiracies against us to target our economy. Our enemy has not liked the CPEC project which has the potential to transform the region with Pakistan being the hub of trade activities. We must protect this corridor as it is going to bring prosperity to Pakistan.”

Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal (IR Expert):
"According to international principals, any country can apply for the membership of Nuclear Supplier Group. Americans have to support us as we are a responsible nuclear state with effective safeguards in our nuclear program. There are forty eight members of Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG).When all forty eight members support a single agenda, it`s called consensus. A state which is member of Nuclear Supplier Group can access the open market for the nuclear trade.”