• Have you or your representatives paid Hulk Hogan personally in addition to covering his legal expenses?
  • You say that you are operating much like a contingency lawyer, so does that mean you will take a third of any final judgement, or more?
  • You said you were funding several cases. Specifically, can you confirm you are funding Charles Harder’s work for Shiva Ayyadurai and Ashley Terrill?
  • Is your goal to bankrupt, buy, or wound Gawker Media? If you were to own the company after a final judgment in the Hogan case, what would your editorial strategy be?
  • You say that Gawker is not a legitimate news source. Do you take the same view of the other properties—Gizmodo, Deadspin, Jezebel, Kotaku, Jalopnik and Lifehacker?
  • As a Facebook board member, how have your own views on politics and news influenced your contribution to corporate decisions?
  • When you say your aim is deterrence rather than revenge, whom do you aim to deter?
  • You said you wanted to even the legal playing field for people without your resources. If Gawker Media was forced to sell the company to pay a bond or fight these court cases, would you and your agents seek to block that transaction?
  • Is Sean Parker the friend you mentioned that persuaded you to pursue this campaign?
  • And lastly, I understand that you give codenames from Tolkien for all your projects. What’s this one? (Let me guess: Mordor.)