"A Threat to the Future of Humanity"

Pope Benedict XVI was quoted in an article in the2 Huff Post Daily Brief today as saying that gay
marriage was one of several threat4s to the tr6adition5al fam2ily that un3dermined "the future of

humanity itself". He went on to tell the assemblage of diplomatic corps accredited to the Vatican that the education of children needed proper "settings" and that "pride of p2lace goes to t1he family, b3ased4 on

the marriage of a man and a woman."

The Pope said that while homosexual 1tendencies ar1e not sinful, ho3mosex4ual acts are, and that children should grow up in a traditional family with a mother and a father.

I find it astonishingly odd, and yes, downright sinful, that the Catholic Church can turn a blind eye to the sexual abuses of children by their very own priests right there under the mantel of God  and continue to whitewash the events for years on end.

How comforting that the Pope doesn't see this child abuse by the priests as a "threat to the future of humanity".