MCQ on Operating System Fundamental set-10

1) The process of storing extra or duplicate information used for rebuilding the lost information in event of disks failure is known as ...

A. stripping

B. redundancy

C. disk array


2) A thread that is to be canceled is often referred to as the ....

A. target thread

B. thread cancellation

C. asynchronous cancellation

D. defined cancellation

3) ........... ensures the every message sent to a group of receivers will be delivered to either all of them or none of them.

A. Ordered delivery

B. Atomicity

B. Survivability

D. Realiability

4) An arrangement of record in a sequence in which they arrive is known as a ...........

A. pile

B. file

C. disk

D. directory

5) ........... also known as monitor mode.

A. User mode

B. System mode

C. Unprivileged mode

D. Process mode

6) The technique, for sharing the time of a computer among several jobs, which switches jobs so rapidly such that each job appears to have the computer to itself, is called ........

A. time sharing

B. time out

C. time domain

D. multitasking

7) For batch and payroll applications which of the following file organization is better ........

A. random file

B. sequential file

C. indexed file

D. hashed file

8) Name the scheduler that selects among the processes that are ready to execute and allocates the CPU to one of them.

A. Long term scheduler

B. Medium term scheduler

C. Job scheduler

D. Short term scheduler

9) Failure during inter-process communication may be due to .....

A. loss of request transfer unit

B. single datagram messages

C. multi datagram messages

D. message passing

10) The process of direct mapping by using some faster algorithms is called as .........

A. hashing

B. searching

C. sorting

D. indexing

11) Name the system in which the processors do not share memory and each processor that its own local memory.

A. Tightly coupled system

B. Parallel processing system

C. Loosely coupled system

D. Batch processing system

12) Which technique was introduced because a single job could not keep both the CPU and I/O devices busy?

A. Time-sharing

B. Spooling

C. preemptive scheduling

D. Multiprogramming

13) Those directories in which the root directory has all system file and no other sub-directory is known as ...

A. flat directory

B. single directory

C. hierarchical directory

D. indexed directory

14) Which is responsible for maintaining all the important abstractions of the operating system?

A. Kernel

B. System libraries

C. System utilities

D. Daemons

15) A four message reliable IPC protocol for client server communication works as ........

A. request, reply, acknowledgment

B. reply, acknowledgment, request, acknowledgment

C. request, acknowledgment, reply, acknowledgment

D. request, request, reply, acknowledgment

16) A path name that starts at root directory is ..........

A. absolute

B. relative

C. hybrid

D. hierarchical

17) Where does the problem of fragmentation occur?

A. Static storage allocation

B. Static allocation storage

C. Stack allocation with dynamic binding

D. Heap allocation

18) Idempotency basically means .........

A. reliability

B. repeatability

C. Survivability

D. flexibility

19) All path names are specified relative to the working directory ........

A. absolute path name

B. relative path name

C. hybrid path name

D. hierarchical path name

20) The time taken by the disk arm to locate the specific address of a sector for getting information is called ........

A. rotational latency

B. seek time

C. search time

D. response time


1) B. redundancy
2) A. target thread
3) B. Atomicity
4) A. pile
5) B. System mode
6) A. time sharing
7) B. sequential file
8) D. Short term scheduler
9) B. single datagram messages
10) A. hashing
11) C. Loosely coupled system
12) D. Multiprogramming
13) A. flat directory
14) A. Kernel
15) C. request, acknowledgment, reply, acknowledgment
16) A. absolute
17) D. Heap allocation
18) B. repeatability
19) B. relative path name
20) D. response time

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