How To Create Simple Image Slideshow Using JavaScript ?

We can create attractive and eye catching website by using image slideshows, flash and other designs. There are so many pre-build JavaScript files and jquery plugins can be found on the web, but today i am going to tail about Creating simple and easy to understand code for image slideshow using JavaScript.

Code for creating simple image slideshow 

Just copy and paste the code below where you want to place slideshow and change the location of the images.

Demo slideshow for the above code

Code for creating slideshow with caption

Just copy and paste the code below where you want to place slideshow and change the location  and caption of the images.


var i = 0;

var image = new Array();  


image[0] = "image_1.gif";

image[1] = "image_2.gif";

image[2] = "image_3.gif";  

var k = image.length-1;   

var caption = new Array();


caption[0] = "Caption for the first image";

caption[1] = "Caption for the second image";

caption[2] = "Caption for the third image";

function swapImage(){

var el = document.getElementById("mydiv");


var img= document.getElementById("slide");

img.src= image[i];

if(i < k ) { i++;} 

else  { i = 0; }



function addLoadEvent(func) {

var oldonload = window.onload;

if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {

window.onload = func;

else  {

window.onload = function() {

if (oldonload) {







addLoadEvent(function() {



"border:3px solid #00aaff;background-color:#00aaaa;">

"slide" id="slide" alt ="my images" height="285" width="485" src="image_1.gif"/>

"center"style="font:small-caps bold 15px georgia; color:blue;">



Demo slideshow for the above code

my images

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